
* a PATH interpreter written in PHP by Alexis Ulrich (http://alx2002.free.fr)
* This code is in the public domain.

class TuringMachine {

$head;    // the head position in the $tape array representation (from 0 to sizeOf($tape))

function TuringMachine() {
$this->tape = array();
$this->head = 0;
// moves the head one cell to the left
function toTheLeft() {
        if (
$this->head == 0) array_unshift($this->tape, 0);

// moves the head one cell to the right
function toTheRight() {
array_push($this->tape, 0);

// increments the value of the current cell
function incrementCell() {
$this->tape[$this->head] += 1;
// decrements the value of the current cell
function decrementCell() {
$this->tape[$this->head] -= 1;
// writes the $value value in the current cell
function writeCell($value) {
$this->tape[$this->head] = $value;
// returns the content of the current cell
function readCell() {
// dipslays the content of the Turing Machine tape
function showTape() {
        if (
sizeOf($this->tape) != 0) {
            foreach (
$this->tape as $cell)
' (head on '.$this->head.')<br>';


// opens a path file and puts it in an array
function getPath($file_name) {

// displays the ASCII art array representation of a path program
function displayPath($path_array) {
    foreach (
$path_array as $line) echo $line;

// gets the character at the given coordinates
function getChar ($path_array, $coord) {
$line = $path_array[$coord[0]];

// gets the next coordinates from a given coordinates and direction
function nextCoord ($direction, $coord) {
    switch (
$direction) {
            return array(
            return array(
            return array(
            return array(

// gets the starter character ('$') position
function getStarter($path_array) {
$line_number = 0;
    foreach (
$path_array as $line) {
$start_pos = strpos($line, '$');
        if (
$start_pos !== False) return array($line_number,$start_pos);

// interprets the path program with a Turing Machine
function pathInterpreter($path_array, $input='') {
$TM, $output, $consumption;
    if (
$input != '') $input_head = 0;
$starter = getStarter($path_array);
$consumption = '$';
$direction = 'right';
$coord = nextCoord($direction, $starter);
$char = getChar($path_array, $coord);
$consumption .= $char;
$jump_next_symbol = False;
    while (
$char != '#') {
        if (!
$jump_next_symbol) {
            switch (
$char) {
$jump_next_symbol = True;
// read one character from $input string
$output .= chr($TM->readCell());
                    switch (
$direction) {
$direction = 'up';
$direction = 'down';
$direction = 'right';
$direction = 'left';
                    switch (
$direction) {
$direction = 'down';
$direction = 'up';
$direction = 'left';
$direction = 'right';
                    if (
$TM->readCell() != 0) $direction = 'up';
                    if (
$TM->readCell() != 0) $direction = 'left';
                    if (
$TM->readCell() != 0) $direction = 'right';
                    if (
$TM->readCell() != 0) $direction = 'down';
$jump_next_symbol = False;
// reads the next character
$coord = nextCoord($direction, $coord);
$char = getChar($path_array, $coord);
$consumption .= $char;

// counts the number of 'useful' characters in a path program
function pathCountChars($linearized_path) {
count(preg_split("/[\}\{,.$#<>+-]/", $linearized_path)) - 3;

// removes all the 'unnecessary' characters from a path program
function pathCleaner($linearized_path) {
preg_match_all("/[\}\{,.$#<>+-]/", $linearized_path, $matches);
implode('', $matches[0]);

$file_name = 'media.txt';
$path = getPath($file_name);
$TM = new TuringMachine();
$output = '';
$consumption = '';
//echo "linearized program: $consumption<br>";
//echo "cleaned-up program: ".pathCleaner($consumption).'<br>';
//echo "which contains only ".pathCountChars($consumption).' useful characters (besides the begin and end characters).<br>';
echo "output: $output<br>";